NANDONG_OverideSliderHeadJawMouthForTongueCompability.package NANDONG_ymHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package NANDONG_yfHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package Known names of PACKAGE files that can cause issues: Mods that offer animated hair, animated tongue, or animated wings. Remove all and any mods that extend Sims animation capabilities which conflict with the WickedWhims extended Sim rig. Known ones are made by Denton47, NANDONG, autobanned, and Azmodan22. Remove all and any Sim rig mods you have that were released before June 2022. Animating Rigs are NOT sex animations, you DON’T need to delete sex animations. To fix this you are required to remove the mods that contain outdated “animating rig” files. WickedWhims includes a Sim animation skeleton modification (called an “animating rig”) that will conflict with other Sim rig modifications causing penis, tongue, and other body parts to get distorted, stretched, or misaligned. Distorted, Stuck or Floating Penis/Tongue